Sacha + Ty [Minneapolis, Minnesota]
This amazing wedding took place at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the reception was located at the Hotel Minneapolis. The immediate wedding party included 38 people... (yes, I felt faint when I found that out). There were 14 kids dressed in the most colorful tutus, carrying magic wands and the boys all had on funky suspenders sporting polk-a-dot bow ties. They had gold bon bons and each table setting had a crafted photo from another generation from their wedding day. Elvis even showed up!
It was a magical wedding... in every way.
It was family.... everyone, including the people who weren't blood relatives. It felt like you were at a huge supper table with lavish fixing, tons of laughter, children everywhere and the best part was they were all at ease. We felt like friends, not vendors.
This wedding was our first far from home adventure - 12 round trip car hours, five bathroom breaks and definitely the most wild and fun wedding we have ever been a part of.
It made us grow... artistically, professionally and we will forever be thankful.
Their generosity and appreciation will never be forgotten. Thank you Ty and Sacha for having us capture your day.
Loves - Forevs. A+B
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